Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thing #15 - On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

OK, I read all five perspectives on Web 2.o - "Where will the next generation web take libraries" before I realized that I only had to read two or three. My two favorite, though, where Rick Anderson's "Away from the icebergs" and Michael Stephens' "Into a new world of librarianship". In Michael Stephens' perspective, he states that the 2.0 Librarian "understands that the future of libraries will be guided by how users access, consume and create content". His final sentence brings the ball home. "Librarian 2.0 also listens to staff and users when planning, tells the stories of successes and failures, learns from both, celebrates those successes, allows staff time to play and learn, and never stops dreaming about the best library services."

I remember way back in 1996 or so when the Ocean County Library purchased new computers to make the Internet accessible to our customers and we were encouraged to learn and practice our searching skills. Wow, have we come a long way. Now we have been given the opportunity to learn so much more. It makes the 2.0 Web Challenge even more important to me!!

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